來(Come)源:網絡(顯策企管 整理) 閱讀量:4154次
Education Is The Only Life-Long Investment 教育是(yes)唯一(one)的(of)終身投資。
If a man empties his purse into his head no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best
I look at education like food, water, air, exercise. You need a constant supply.做個(indivual)比喻吧,教育就像是(yes)食物、水、空氣、練習等等,你需要(want)一(one)個(indivual)持續的(of)供給。
You also don’t breathe once a year, right? So why do you only read one book a year? It doesn’t make sense. Education is
critical to your survival. 你總不(No)能一(one)年就呼吸一(one)次吧?那自然也不(No)能一(one)年就讀一(one)本書吧?這(this)不(No)合理啊,何況知識是(yes)你安身立命的(of)根本,對不(No)對?
In the end, the true reason I invest so much time and money on my education is because it’s a survival strategy. 爲(for)教育花費這(this)麽多時(hour)間和(and)金錢的(of)終極理由,就是(yes)這(this)是(yes)一(one)種生(born)存策略。